Thursday, January 11, 2007

Winter is here . . .

This may look like a break in the storm, but it is the storm approaching. After a week of 85 degree heat I am ready for warm sweaters and gloves.

I like these cold, gray winter days. Days like these let you savor a bad mood.
- Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes


Dancingirl said... the Calvin comment! So true. I used to lie in the back seat of our station wagon when I was a little girl and look at the sky. It's always changing. Great shot.

LauraLiz said...

Beautiful! My sky tonight was awesome, but no time or expertise to give it a shot (get it?).

Paula said...

I love the clouds. It is time for winter isn't it?

Unknown said...

Your quotes are as good as your photos. I love this one. California sky! Ahhhhh.

Sandie said...

This one reminds of an inspirational poster we had up in my Sunday School class. Beautiful!

Ampersand said...

Man, that sky is great. I just love it.