Sunday, April 1, 2007

April Fool's Day

We have a tradition in our house of making a special April Fool's Day dinner. This year was grilled cheese and fried egg sundaes (toasted pound cake with dyed frosting and ice cream with marshmallow creme and pudding).

Humor is the great thing, the saving thing. The minute it crops up, all our irritation and resentments slip away, and a sunny spirit takes their place.
~ Mark Twain


Dirkus said...

Humor is the most important thing, without it, life is unbearable. Great tradition!

Things that make you go yumm!

LauraLiz said...

Well, I have to say that sundae looks...disgusting! Fun tradition. :-)

Dancingirl said...

How fun! That's a great tradition for April Fool's.