Thursday, April 19, 2007


I'm stealing this idea from a friend (thanks Sandy!).
Reading: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
Listening to: Cake
Watching: Cheers: Season 2

All intellectual improvement arises from leisure
~ Samuel Johnson


Dancingirl said...

This is fun! I like seeing what people are reading, watching, and listening to. I am now intrigued by the novel so will go learn about it.

Sandy said...

I love the sepia tone - that color and the table covering in the back give the picture such elegance.

Don't you love those personal video players? I use mine all the time. It's smaller but more convenient for me.

Cheers comes on every night around 11 or so on our local independent station and I often get caught up watching it. I think I've seen all the episodes but they're still fun to watch.

Dalissa McEwen Reeder said...

I love Cake! I need to listen to it tomorrow now that you've reminded me.