Monday, April 30, 2007

Gas Prices

This morning, prompted by increasing concerns about terrorism, oil prices reached a record high as the cost of a barrel of crude is a whopping $44.34. Wow, it seems shocking that a product of finite supply gets more expensive the more we use it. Now the terror alert means higher oil prices, which oddly enough means higher profits for oil companies giving them more money to give to politicians whose policies may favor the oil companies such as raising the terror alert level. As Simba once told us: "It's the circle of life."
~ Jon Stewart


Sandie said...

Wow, I thought our 2.80 was awful. I have seriously cut down on our driving and will keep doing so. I am finding I can live with lots less, and I can combine lots of shorter trips into one slightly longer errand run.

Susanne Barrett said...

I paid $3.33 today, and that was far cheaper than the $3.45 I saw at most stations... ugh!