I didn't realize I needed these until I tried a pair on and found I could read better with them. :-P I like them though because when I do read I find it is just me and the book now. The rest of the world is just a tad blurry so it shuts me off from anything else around me.
If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.
~ Oscar Wilde
Love the glasses, and "amen" to the quotation! I'm a huge rereader, so I heartily concur!
I've become absolutely dependent on reading glasses. I cannot work any more without them, but then walking from place to place is hard. Last trip to the eye doctor I got a prescription and will get "real" glasses with clear lenses on top for distance, but the necessary help on bottom for close work. I need someone to help me chose frames! Love yours....
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