Thursday, January 20, 2011


Tulips, originally uploaded by nicoleraephotos.

I bought myself some tulips yesterday so the next few days will be photos of them I'm sure so I'm apologizing in advance. They are my absolute favorite flower and I think I could spend hours taking pictures of them.


Sandy said...

No apologies necessary! Gorgeous shot - love, love, love the composition.

LauraLiz said...

White on white--love it!!

Tracy P. said...

Wow! I'll look at them all day, so shoot away!

Nutrition Tailor said...

They are my favorite flower as well, so I look forward to the pictures!

Dalissa 365 said...

I love the white on white! And, tulips are one of my favorites, too. I have a few that grow in my front yard. I should really plant more.

Holli said...

Crisp and clean. Just lovely!

Unknown said...

For me, the little arc of the stems on the top right makes this shot extraordinary.

MaryD said...

love these.