Tuesday, January 4, 2011


The inside, originally uploaded by nicoleraephotos.

I need to do something to push myself out of my comfort zone and setting up the tripod on my balcony for all my neighbors to see in order to take a picture of myself is definitely a way to do that!


Nutrition Tailor said...

Very cool picture!

Jeff Reeder said...

It is kind of like paparazzi shot. You captured the hard to photograph starlet as she passed by the window... or that elusive apparition that you an only catch out of the corner of your eye, but is gone once you try to get a better look......

LauraLiz said...

What a good idea! (And I really like the photo.)

Holli said...

This is amazing... the more I look at it the more I love it

Sandy said...

I really like the emotion it portrays. The b&w, your position in the background behind the window and your expression bring on a sense of distance, separation and even loneliness. I need to force myself out of my comfort zone too. Self portraits and shooting others in public both fall into that category.

Sandie said...

it is very haunting and sad. I love the image, the composition, the feel, the story...really nice work

Dancingirl said...

Wonderful. It's so emotionally evocative. Going back to look again after reading the comments.