Thursday, February 3, 2011


monrovia, originally uploaded by nicoleraephotos.


Nutrition Tailor said...

Ohhhh!! (Where do you live again?) I cannot WAIT till I see the crabapple blossoms again come spring. Sigh....

Nicole Rae Studio said...

Southern California... Believe it or not, I am jealous of all of your snow! I would love to take photos of snowflakes and icicles. :)

LauraLiz said...

I saw my first "in bloom" tree today...while the sleet/rain fell on this gray, gray day. Too much traffic to stop and document, but it gave me hope!

RedGypsie said...

Oh it looks WARM and sunny, like the kind of day for laying on a blanket just to drink Vitamin D into every possible pore.

Unknown said...

Such gorgeous light.