Saturday, July 28, 2007

My Dad

It is so difficult to believe it has been two years. Why is it that it feels like no time has passed at all. At times I can still feel the horrible knot in my stomach that I felt when I first got the call. The shock. The disbelief. The feeling of "someone make this all go away because I can't deal with the pain". Sometimes I still think I can't deal with the pain. I did need to post a couple of photos of him today to remember who he was. We may not have had the best of relationships, but I did love him.

And here is the photo I took today. I woke up to a gorgeous sunrise so before I ran I grabbed my camera and drove to the base of the mountains to capture it before it left.

Old as she was, she still missed her daddy sometimes.
~ Gloria Naylor


LauraLiz said...

Wow. It's hard for me to believe it has been two years, too. I'm glad you want to pay tribute.

Colleen said...

(((Nikki)))...even from this emotional distance, it doesn't seem like two years. Looking at these pictures makes my heart hurt for you. I'm glad you included the one of the morning sunrise.

Dancingirl said...

Tears here. It is hard to believe it's been two years. I'm glad you pulled these out to remember. And it's appropriate to finish the series with the one you took today... sunrise. It's beautiful.

SUSAN said...

(((Nikki))) Many hugs to you.


Susanne Barrett said...

Like everyone else, I can't believe it's been two years. The sunrise is a lovely way to end the series.